Submitted 05:13 AM 2/25/98
>fname : Patricia
>lname : McQueary
>address1 : P.O. Box 368
>address2 :
>city : Oakville
>state : WA
>zip : 98568
>email :
comments : I have in my ancestry a woman named Elizabeth Courtenay Harris Close, the daughter of an Edward Harris and a Miss Courtenay. The references I have to Miss Courtenay say she is the daughter of the Earl of Devon and that she ran off with a sea captain (Edward Harris). Elizabeth Courtenay Harris Close was born in 1817 in England and died in 1885.
Any information that you might have would be helpful.
In most geneology books, there are two earls that are listed as having five and thirteen daughters.
I believe one of these may be the Miss Courtenay in my ancestry.
Thanks for your time. Pat McQueary