Please send all requests for Courtenay related information to the email address above.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Elizabeth Longmaide De Courtenay

fname=Roger William
address1=23 Galston Road
zip=LU3 3JZ
ancestor=Elizabeth Longmaide De Courtenay
comments=Elizabeth allegedly married a William White and a daughter Amye White was born and baptised on the 10th June 1604 in Colyton Devon.
Can anyone out there confirm this? I do not know Elizabeth's parents name apart from De Courtenay and Longmaide. A De Courtenay castle was in this area - e.g., Colcomb, so it might tie up although the Courtenay family had dropped the "De" by this time. And I would say that Elizabeth was probably born out of wedlock because of the use of both parents' names.
Would apreciate any assistance in this.
Many Thanks, Roger Churm